ADANOLA active-wear!


Now firstly I would like to start by apologising for not uploading a post last Monday! It was the week of my mock exams and all my deadlines so I was super busy and wanted to make sure I gave that my full attention! However I am back this week and today’s post is going to be a kind of review I guess you could say.

So the brand today’s post is going to be about is Adanola! Now I first became aware of this company when I went to the clothes show where they had a stand. They seemed pretty cool they had a photo booth in their stand which of course everyone loved! And obviously they were selling there items as well as promoting their brand. Adanola sell active wear which I guess most people know as sportswear. I had a little look at the clothes show at some of their items but I had already spent way too much! The photo booth was free though! How great! Anyway long story short at the bottom of my picture I had from the photo booth Adanola Instagram tag was printed so I gave them a follow to find out a bit more about them!

Now over Christmas they ran a few giveaway competitions. How cool, right? I mean who doesn’t love free stuff! I also think giveaways are just a great opportunity to get more people to know about your brand. Well anyway I entered one of the competitions and I was extremely lucky to win one of them! I was super chuffed to say the least! The giveaway competition I won was a £50 voucher to spend on the Adanola site on whatever I wanted! How exciting! Now I honestly found it really hard to pick what I wanted! And not because I didn’t want anything but because I wanted everything! Haha! I decided that I wanted a whole outfit! I mean what the heck I had 50 whole pounds to spend on what I liked! There were a couple of options, however I ended up choosing the classic black option because I felt like this would be a lot more wearable and would be easier to repeat wear due to the colour. I chose the sports leggings and a sports bra. I went for these two as I already have loads of sports tops and I only had one pair of sports leggings and I didn’t actually have a sports bra! The sports bra was £24 and the leggings were £35! Okay so some people who are into the sports will probably understand that this is a reasonable price. However if you are not and your thinking wow that’s a lot of money! Well, the Adanola brand is a luxury active wear brand so the items are really nice and you defiantly get what you pay for! Which in this case means there products are very good.

I put through my order and now it was just a case of waiting for it to arrive! My delivery came nice and quick and was a tracked order so I was able to make sure I was defiantly going to receive it! Once it came I’m not going to lie I was extremely excited! It did not disappoint and let me just say the packaging was really lovely. My two items were individual wrapped with the brands packaging and both of these came in another bag with a little message from the company on, which I think made it extra special and really made me smile!

Now you know me I took pictures of it all first! But after this without any hesitation I tried it all on! I mean come on wouldn’t you? I don’t know what it is but I just get a real exctiment when opening and receiving deliveries, I think the anticipation of waiting for it to come just gets me more interested to see what it’s like in person! Now I must admit I’m not one of those people who always shops online because let’s not lie there can be there disadvantages like not knowing if it will fit etc. I was slightly worried about that but as soon as I tried it on all my doubts were gone! Both items fitted perfectly! I think that’s the great thing about active wear too it’s hard to go wrong with sizing!

Anyway I firstly tried the sports leggings. They were super nice and really comfy to wear! They gave a lovely tight fitting but were very flexible so great for any sports! I was worried that the leggings would be too long because I’m quiet short! But the size I ordered fitted me nicely both on my wait and my legs.

Now the next thing of course I tried on was the sports bra! This also fitted really well and was super comfy! It was also very secure so perfect for any sporting activities! It also has a lovely design on the back so would look great without a top but also totally suitable to wear underneath a top depending on what kind of sports you are doing and where.

I was super pleased with my new Adanola active wear and couldn’t resist doing a post to share with you all! I know it’s a bit late considering I won the competition in December however I thought now was the perfect time for the post as lent is tomorrow! Wow that came around quick! Some of you might not do lent, however I do. This year I wanted to try taking something up as well as going without something to give myself a challenge. This year I have decided to really try to stay healthy and part of that involves exercising! So I will definitely be using my active wear from Adanola a lot!!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed having a little read and thank you as always! I really appreciate all the support I get towards my blog! See you next Monday! (Or who knows maybe before that if I pull my socks up)

Jodie x 

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  1. Hey love your post! I want to order the sport bra. What size did you end up getting?

  2. Hey love your post! I want to order the sport bra. What size did you end up getting?

    1. Heya! I got a size XS it is a quiet small but it means you deffo have support x


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