Zaf Shabir workshop, styling, photoshoots and college!
I'm back again! This time I wanted to do a post to let you all know what I have been up to at college recently. But before you stop reading I don't mean the boring stuff like coursework don't worry! Haha. So in fashion retail we were luckily enough to receive a visit from Zaf Shabir. Zaf is a model, creative director and stylist among-st many other things. He has worked in the fashion industry for a number of years. He visited our college to give us a workshop and carry out a talk about what it is like in the industry. Which is very useful knowledge to have for someone who wants to go into the fashion business.

Firstly Zaf introduced himself and told us a bit about himself and how he started out. He attended Leeds Arts University and studied Fashion Design. Something which was interesting to me as I am looking into Uni's as we speak (not literally as I am writing this post but you know what I mean. Hopefully you do at least! Haha) Anyway Zaf studied Fashion Design and whilst at uni he held down a job at Primark as a sales assistant. He talked of how this led to work experience in the head office and how later on he became a buyer for menswear in Primark. It was really interesting to hear about the kind of work he did in this role and what kind of things he was actually responsible for changing within the brand. Zaf also gave us an insight to what it is like to be a model and stylist.
Zaf Shabir's current job is as a Creative Director. During the workshop we learnt about what kind of things the job involved and the type of planning that was needed to be prepared for an event. We learnt how the Creative Director can be in charge of things such as scene looks, hair, clothes etc. I was personally very interested in the Creative Director role as I loved the concept of the creating ideas for different fashion events.
After our workshop with Zaf Shabir we were set a styling task which we were also set to do a photo shoot for. I worked with my friends in a group and we set 'blue denim' as our styling theme. We had to take our images around the college. We chose places such as the media room for a plain backdrop, we made our own magazine backgrounds and also utilized the nature around the college such as the bushes and trees as well as using the college buildings and brick walls.
The photo shoot was a lot of fun! I've put some of the pictures we took and outfits we styled in this post!
Jodie x