London Fashion Weekend!
So I am back already but I just couldn't resist doing a post about this! However in the future I am hoping to do a post once a week! So, encase you hadn't already realised from the title this post is going to be about London Fashion Weekend! I hope to do a post on my thoughts on London fashion week too, however I experienced London Fashion Weekend first hand and I am still buzzing from it so I couldn't resist!
Encase you weren't aware London Fashion weekend is just after London fashion week it starts on the Thursday and finishes on the Sunday (24-27th). London Fashion Weekend unlike London Fashion Week is open to the public to attended however there is a cost involved! I went to London fashion Week last year to stand out side and get a glimpse into the environment as I wasn't able to afford tickets last year! This year I also wasn't intending on going although I really wanted, however I was extremely lucky and I was given tickets by the House Of Holland brand. I entered a competition on Instagram and re-posted the image to enter. I was lucky enough to be chosen as a winner! I received two tickets which gave me access to London fashion weekend inside, a free designer tote bag and access to one of the catwalk shows. I was over the moon to say the least!
I then went in to a talk which was led by Daisy Lowe and Henry Holland. It was actually very inspiring! Daisy Lowe was interviewing Henry Holland. Henry talked about his journey in the fashion industry and how he started of in fashion journalism and how he ended up where he was today. He also talked about what inspired him, including films such as Clueless and even his passion for costume. There was then a time for the audience to interact and ask questions to him which I felt was very refreshing to be able to have a one to one talk with the designer whilst he was sharing his experiences with an audience of keen fashion lovers.
Overall I had an amazing experience at London Fashion Weekend. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who is a keen fashion lover. Not only was the experience inside the event great but also the atmosphere in the area was buzzing with creative passion which I found really inspiring. Also to witness some people's daring and bold fashion statements was an experience in its self! I am so thank full that I had the opportunity to attend.
I hope that you have enjoyed reading a little bit about what I've been up to and what I've been excited about recently. Hopefully I'll be back soon with another post! Thank you!!
Jodie x